Easter 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016
Raise your hand if you know how long it's been since my last post? ;) Today was Parker's 3rd Easter and our Quinny girl's first. Life has become so much more fun with a three year old and holidays are no exception. This year Parker looked throughout the house for her basket and then followed that with a simple egg hunt in the front yard. Watching her run around so excited was the sweetest thing ever. I had Quinn in the baby carrier and we followed Parker's every step so she was able to part take in the fun. She was shrieking and kicking.  Ohhhh if I could just freeze time.

Quinn's personality is getting to be larger than life. It's blossomed so much in the past week and she cracks us up constantly. Whenever music comes on she will either bop up and down on her butt with her hands in the air or she will dramatically whip from side to side with her arms out and her eyes squeezed shut. We laugh so hard every time which encourages her so it's just amazing. She also loves everything her sister does. They were playing with bubbles and each time Parker tried to blow them (unsuccessfully) Quinn thought it was the greatest thing in the world and would belly laugh.

We had a low key day at home and ended the day with bubbles and dinner at my parents. The drive home was quiet with only music playing which was a sure fire sign that the girls were asleep. I love the simplicity of these holidays. Nothing too crazy, no elaborate Easter baskets or huge breakfast spread. Just sleeping in and taking the day to spend time with the girls and knowing we made the most of the day was more than anything I could have ever wanted. 

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