The last part of January has been a little hectic for us with sicknesses, a quick baby moon, Matt's birthday planning and prepping for our new arrival. Throw a big girl bed transition in there and needless to say, there's been little free time to divulge the fun details of our day to day on here. We are expecting a snow storm later on tonight and we're finally all laying low for the evening so I'm taking full advantage. Time for some major catch up on our lives lately aka a pretty serious photo dump.
When we last left off, Parker had caught the stomach bug that has been going around like rapid fire in the area. After a few days, her health went back to 100% while Matt and my health went down to about 10%. Perhaps an exaggeration but I haven't been that sick in a while. A night of being sick landed me in the ER with dehydration. Thankfully my parents were able to take Parker for the day/night while Matt and I recovered (as we were due to leave for our baby moon about four days later). Awesome timing. Luckily by the time we left for our trip, I was just off my plain toast diet and could start eating normal food again. I swear one of the hardest things about getting sick is not being able to eat what you want. Especially while preggo!
We packed a few of our favorite things (these New Balances have been on heavy rotation) and left the cold weather for 85 degree temps and blue water!
This was just the view I needed to get me excited for a few days of relaxation.
Matt got me my very first Kindle for the trip and it was a lifesaver on the flight and turned out to be the ideal beach buddy, since someone had to steer clear of the frozen cocktails. Have you ladies heard of the book, The Girl on the Train?! If not, I highly recommend checking it out!! I've never been a big reader, but after reading Gone Girl, and now The Girl on the Train, I'm kind of hooked.
Thankfully my appetite was back in full force just in time for lots of dinner dates with the hubs. Whenever we go on vacation we tend to eat a lot of fish since its so fresh and makes a world of a difference. As usual we indulged in lots of pregnancy-safe sushi and fish tacos. I also had my first ever Belgian waffle (throw 'em up!).
Aaaand the result. A little major food/baby belly sunning.
Of course we had to grab some little goodies for our girl. Although there's snow in the extended forecast, I can't wait to put her in this tiny Maaji cover up for summer pool days.
I could definitely get used to this view every day.
Needless to say, after being sick and then indulging a few too many times on vacation, the first trip back to the grocery store was stock full of produce, healthy carbs and lean proteins. We try to eat pretty clean at least 80% of the time so having a kitchen with healthy options available at all times makes it so much easier.
Plus, it's fun to find the healthy 'fake-outs' for some of our favorite foods. I am a HUGE fan of dark chocolate ice cream, but this Stonyfield dark chocolate frozen yogurt is such a great substitute with only 100 calories, 0g of fat and 4g of protein per serving. It's definitely not as sweet as the alternative but more than satisfies the cold, creamy chocolate craving that tends to strike every so often.
In other news, Parker's big girl room is almost complete! We are waiting on a few more last minute details until the big reveal but Parker has been in love with it ever since we laid the floors down. Transitioning her from a crib to a big girl bed has been challenging to say the least, but we're hoping to see progress soon!
When we first moved her into her big girl room, she couldn't wait to sleep in her bed. We would tuck her in and turn her nightlight & sound machine on and she would lay in bed until she dozed off. We would open the door to check on her and she would be tucked in, eyes still open and give us a little wave to let us know that she was okay. The first night broke my heart because I just couldn't believe that our baby was big enough to have her own full size bed. We couldn't believe how lucky we were to have such an easy going girl, up until about a week later when she realized she could climb out of bed and open her door and scamper out to he living room where Matt and I would unwind from the day...
Ever since then, it's been a battle to put her down. Tears, sore ears and all. We follow a night time routine which usually consists of bath, pjs, three books and then bed. After the three books are finished and the lights go out, Parker either gets her second wind and is jumping or doing a traveling downward dog across her bed. When we try to leave and tell her that it's time for sleep, she is sure to let us know of her disapproval and cries until she gets out of bed and tries to join us wherever we are in the house. After leading her back to her bed at least ten times, she eventually falls asleep. The process can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The time it takes for her to fall asleep is getting less and less each day so I'm hopeful that she's adjusting to her new sleeping arrangements. Only time will tell!
Some treats after a late, late night. Thank the Lord for fresh flowers and fresher pastries!
Matt's birthday was the Monday following Superbowl Sunday this year, so I decided to coordinate a Birthday/Superbowl beer tasting bash. We invited our families and some of Matt's closest friends for some food, football and beer sampling. The hubs loves a good craft beer and loves trying new ones out so this was right up his ally. I printed off some beer tasting cards so that the samplers could keep track of what they liked/what they didn't, set out some pub snacks for the table and whipped up a quick chalkboard. It was a big hit with the birthday boy.

Recently, I've been going crazy ordering things to get the new nursery set for baby. Although we have a few months left until her arrival, it's been so fun to bring her nursery concept to life. I have been in love with the animal print shop prints for years now, so I was a little too excited to receive this beyond adorable baby alpaca print in the mail the other day. I am having some difficulty nailing down a paint color, but once that has been decided we can proceed with the redesign. I can't wait to share the finished product with all of you!
That's what's been going on in our lives lately. Sorry for the novel! We still have a lot of items on our to do list so at times I can feel overwhelmed, but it's easy to forget how fun the ride can be to the finished product. Sometimes the work and the effort makes the results that much more satisfying.