Starting the Week Off Right

Monday, May 20, 2013
I love each day of  the weekend but there is something so je ne sais quoi about Sundays. After all the errands are run, cleaning is finished, drinks are drunk and friends are seen, we are left with Sunday. I typically use those 24 hours, which ironically seem more like 15 minutes, soaking up all the roll-y goodness of Parker. We take the time to enjoy eating her food...yes, we. I steal a bite or two whenever we sit at the table, and it's not my fault. Tyler Florence is setting the bar pretty high with his fancy purees that we've been picking up at our local Wegmans. So much that I can already see the look Parker will shoot me when I try to attempt to feed her my own creation. Better luck next time, ma.

When we're not going bite for bite in the dining room, we lay on her faux fur rug and read her Pigeon books, push her cow around, and nosh on her other toys in hopes that it maybe, just maybe, it will turn into the Plum-Berry-Brown Rice-Quinoa baby food that she loves so much.

When she gets bored with that, we find wherever Matt is in (or outside) of the house and interject ourselves in whatever he's doing. Yesterday it was cleaning out the DVD case. Obviously a HUGE opportunity for fun there. It was so cute seeing her sit in the sea of disheveled DVDs, 'helping' daddy. After a job well done, we went for a walk and ended with some online shopping where I picked her up the cutest espadrilles for spring! She is starting to show interest in standing more and more so I figured that's as good as an excuse as any.

Life Lately

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
It's been a while since my last post! Now that the warmer weather has finally settled in, we've been taking full advantage of the sun and Parker seems to be growing just as fast as our lawn grass. Here's a peak into her hectic schedule as of late.

She attended her first casual Kentucky Derby/2nd birthday party. Turns out she and her derby horse were knocked out before we even left the house. We're still working on her 'life of the party' skills.

Baby girl is no longer a stranger to the swing! I was a bit skeptical when placing her in the harness since  it seemed a little big to fit her, but it did the job. When I pushed her I'm pretty sure I heard her coo, 'higher'!

There's always enough time for a nap or two.

I love love love shopping for babies in the spring and summer months! I decided that if I could get away with it, I'd be on a bloomer and onesie dress code kick for the rest of the season. It's my favorite look on our little girl.

My very first Mother's Day as an officially mama came and went so quickly! We celebrated last year when I was pregnant with Parker but I was totally looking forward to this year when I could actually spend it playing with her. I was spoiled with some sweet surprises from Matt and Parker I'm not exaggerating when I say that I cried for at least two hours over Parker's 'painting'. It's probably the greatest  gift I've ever received and I carried it around with me for two days like a little kid. I guess this means it's time to make the DIY art frame that I've been obsessing over on Pinterest!

Soooo sweet, right?

We staged our weekly mama-baby photo shoot and mastered some hamstring stretches.

Yes, my friends - we've accomplished a lot. I almost forgot to add kissing to Parker's list of why she's awesome. She dives at your face at full speed, mouth open and pulls your hair so you can tell that she means it. It is the best thing and it makes my heart melt. Which reminds me, Matt is off to Indiana for the night so this means comfies and cheese pesto pizza is on the agenda for tonight and I am not mad at it. Here's to busy days being amazing days!

Vacay Photo Overload

Sunday, May 5, 2013
As promised, here are some of my favorite pictures from our mini getaway to Florida!

It took me a while to get the lighting right and settings adjusted on my camera once we arrived. I really haven't used it in a couple months so getting back in to the swing of things caused the first few pictures to be a little sub par however, I couldn't not share this first picture with you. She rocks that backwards chambray top like it was on correctly, don't you think? Go me.

I had decided that I wasn't going to bed on our first night until I got Parker out to the beach! Her reaction to seeing the ocean for the first time is something I have looked forward to for months. Of course I never thought that she would love the taste of sand as much as she did, but I guess that is all part of the experience. She was exhausted earlier than usual and desperately looked like she needed a bath.

...been there.

Which brings us to another first. Sink bath times. Princess Sweaty Head was LOVING it.

The next day we were back out on the beach so Parker could get her sand fix and mama could get an adorable photo opp of this bathing beauty. Matt took over with the camera and I was thoroughly impressed. I always give him a hard time about his photos, but must be he's been picking up some tips!

When I said Parker loves, sand... I mean she really loves it. I think she at least got a good five little hand fulls before we finally picked her up and realized that there was no stopping her. Something similar to my relationship with m&ms.

We also discovered that she is petrified of the waves. She likes to stay shore bound but once the tide rolls in and its suddenly all around her, she just couldn't handle.

My pretty-pudgy-sand face-puckered lip love bug!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was spent with tons of friends and family. I used today to clean a couple of rooms throughout the house and we couldn't resist a walk since it was so beautiful out. I walked her to the park where she had her first experience on a swing. No swing face here! She couldn't get enough. We also gave her a sippy cup for the first time today. She mainly just swings it around and squawks at it but hopefully down the road she'll get the hang of it.

Here's to Sunday fun day!x
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