Pregnancy Update: 20 Weeks {and 18 Week Catch-Up)

Sunday, January 4, 2015
I'm sitting here trying to figure out how we're halfway through our pregnancy already. I've heard the second one flies by. I'm sure it has something to do with constantly trying to keep up with a 2 year old wild child. Also, I apologize in advance for the lame preggo selfies and lack of chalkboard. Have I mentioned that the weeks have been flying by?

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs.
I'm living in: Sticking with comfy sweaters & chunky scarves
Bellybutton in or out? 70% out, 30% in... probably the weirdest stage
Sleep: Matt got me the body pillow I've been eyeing for months and it's my favorite thing ever! Parker has also been sleeping in later which means that we get a couple more hours of sleep on the weekends. 
Food urges: Strawberry frozen yogurt
Food aversions: EVERYTHING sounds good to me, so no
I really miss: A good cocktail after a challenging day
Movement: So much movement! I can officially see my stomach move which always freaks me out
Gender: Little baby GIRL
Best moment this week? Recovering from the holidays has been both relaxing and mind clearing. We've packed away all of the Christmas decorations so our house feels like it has so much more room. I've also packed away a bunch of Parker's older toys to make room for the newer ones.
Looking forward to: Our baby moon planned in the third week of January. I am so ready for some sun and serious relaxation.

And with the whirlwind of the holidays, I completely forgot to post my 18 week update. So here it is!

How far along? 18 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: 5 lbs.
I'm living in: I've been dressing the bump almost exclusively in chunky scarves and over sized sweaters lately. I typically pair them with boyfriends and heels or skinnies and tall boots to add a little style to an otherwise basic look.
Bellybutton in or out? It's undecided at the moment ;)
Sleep: I'm no longer a child and can stay awake past 10pm!
Food urges: Anything peppermint chocolate flavored. Thankfully none of this is allowed to be stocked in our house as it would prove to be a dangerous situation. I have been drooling over this (and this!)cookie recipe for a while. They are top contenders for this year's Santa cookies. 
Food aversions: No real turn offs lately
I really miss: Ski season is coming up, so I'm definitely going to miss doing a few runs with the hubs. We are hoping to introduce Parker to skiing this year, so I should be safe on the beginner hills with our very own bunny. 
Movement: We're experiencing lots of movement the past few days. This week they have become strong enough that Matt can feel the little punches, too. It makes me so excited to get to the point where Parker will be able to feel them. I can only imagine her reaction and the things she will say. 
Gender prediction: STRONG girl vibes lately. It might be just because we are having a tough time agreeing on a few girl names, but I have become consumed. Since we already have names and nursery ideas for a boy, I feel like we need to even up the score for a girl just so that we can be prepared. I can't believe we find out what we're having next week! 
Best moment this week? We took Parker to see Santa over the weekend. Her reaction was as expected. A little freaked out about the pressure of having to sit on a strangers lap and talk to him. It has never really occurred to me how awkward the whole thing was until this year when I was convincing Parker that it was okay. 'Now you have to sit on his lap and tell him Merry Christmas.' I would have been skeptical too. One candy cane and a forced smile later, we were thanking Santa and telling him Merry Christmas and we were off to lunch. I'm making sure to take time and completely embrace this time when we can fully soak in 1:1 time with Parker before her side kick comes along. I can't wait to see her as a big sister but also don't want to forget the time when it was just Lulu and us. 
Looking forward to: Christmas and our next ultrasound! I'm so eager to see the little one's face to see how similar to/different he or she looks from Parker.

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