Baby Girl's Nursery Inspiration

Saturday, January 3, 2015
Before we dive in, I wanted to express a huge thank you for every one's sweet comments, texts, emails and calls around the news of our baby GIRL! I wake up each morning looking forward to our future life with two pretty little babes running around. Not to mention, I'm over the moon that some of my favorite items from Parker's wardrobe will be resurfacing soon! Eeeeeeeeeee. 

I mentioned before that I was obnoxiously hesitant about finding out the gender of this baby, however I'm so glad we decided to. Since we didn't find out the gender with Parker, we were tasked with creating a neutral nursery for her (which you can find here). Ultimately, we ended up with a black and white color scheme which worked perfectly with the hints of lavender that we added after Parker was born. 

This time around, it has been gratifying to use hues and details without worrying if the overall feel of the room leaned one way over the other. When compiling all the aspects of girl nurseries that I've been drooling over, the main concepts that seemed to be continual were the color pallets of tan, gray and dusty pink. From there everything kind of came together. I can't pinpoint exact terms for this look except for a smorgasbord of desert-Moroccan-rose-natural chic. Is that a thing?

Of the compilation, my favorites are the hardware for the dresser (the earring looking gadgets at the top right), the crazy cozy looking throw blanket, baby alpaca print and the girl-y Aztec styled area rug.

My beyond talented cousin, gifted me with this amazing painting of a buffalo & donuts ;). It's such a conversation piece, and if you knew my cousin, you would totally understand it. We've been meaning to hang it in the kitchen area, but now I am leaning towards finding a home for it in the new nursery. It would go along with the rustic'ness of the theme and add some meaningful personal touches to boot! You can check out more of her work here!

With Parker's big girl room well underway and now taking on this redesign project, I am in pure heaven!


  1. i will be so excited if you hang it in the new nuggets room! eeeeeekkkkk!!!!!! i am thrilled for you guys:)))) xoxoxoxoxox

  2. also- where can i find that bunny pillow? George was asking obviously.

    1. thanks nic! obviously... tell george that his little bunny paws can find it on xx


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