Our Weekend

Monday, September 1, 2014
While looking through the database of photos on my phone, I am realizing that although this weekend seemed pretty relaxed, we accomplished a lot. 

Parker moves into her new room at daycare tomorrow, which is equivalent to her starting a new grade! I am thankful for these transitions now when she is small so that when the time comes that she starts school, the emotional roller coaster will be one under 50mph. She moves to the new room with the same group of kids each year and it's been so funny to watch their relationships develop from drooling infants to crazy toddlers. 

Lately, I've been going fresh crazy! It's no secret that I've been coveting fresh flowers throughout the house for the duration of this summer, but now this theme is transferring over to the kitchen. I was really hungry one day and the only thing that would do was a caprese salad. Albeit the lack of fresh mozz, it was amazing and exactly what I was craving. Fresh flowers, tomatoes from the garden, my life has been made!

We've also been getting tons of use out of Parker's carrier that we take with us on hikes. It's such a good find because Parker is comfortable for hours and it doesn't put too much strain on the carrier. It was the most amazing hike we've been on yet. After trekking a few miles in the woods, we were in need of some serious nutrition. We stopped at the Ithaca Brewing Company, where there were so many things we loved. The food, the drinks, and atmosphere. Aside from the bees, we went home some pretty happy campers.

We ended the long weekend with some necessary fall driveway art (we pumpkin fall!) and some light reading. Not to mention my mind is racing because Parker turns 2 in one month! Cliches aside, how did that seriously happen? 

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