Parker's Two Year Update

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
How we even got to two entire years, I'm not sure but if my two month postpartum self could see how great these times were now, she wouldn't be sobbing at the thought of her baby growing up. It's been a while since we've done a Parker update so let's get to it...

Words: These past couple of months have been such a game changer. Parker is either talking, singing, 'reading' her books out loud or yelling 'baby yoga!' then proceeding into full on downward dog. Our little chatter-box is non-stop and we wouldn't want it any other way. I am extremely excited about this stage because I discovered the other day on the way home that Parker is starting to memorize song lyrics. We now have 'All About that Bass' duets in the car on the reg. She also is quick to say thank you, I love you or my all-time favorite 'bless you, mama' whenever I sneeze or cough. We started a new favorite nightly ritual of mine, where we all cuddle up in bed and read a few of her favorite books. Sometimes we get her to take the wheel and she'll read to us which is beyond hysterical. She memorizes books in minutes flat and we are flabbergasted at what she can retain.

Sleep: I am also thrilled to announce (and more than likely am jinxing myself when I say) that we have finally found a struggle-scream-cup-throwing-pacifier-chucking-tears-galore-FREE bedtime routine. It has been a serious struggle for us since she was an infant so getting to this stage feels beyond amazing. We would have our good stretches, but you can bet they wouldn't last long. Have it be teething, a cold or her being overtired, there were so many nights where Matt and I were both stressed out trying to find a routine that flowed for not only Parker but for us as well. We tried every method in the book and the only real tweak that accounted for success was that we started putting her to bed around 7:30-7:45 each night. Before we would shoot for 8:30 but since we started putting her down earlier, she's been asking to lay down in her crib, letting us know that she's tired, and eventually will go down without a peep. For the past two years I read so many articles and know that it can be one of the biggest pain points for parents, so have faith when people tell you that it will get easier. You will find a method that works for both you and your baby, and that day will be glorious. She is still sleeping in her crib, but we are already in the works of putting together her big girl room. 

Food: Parker isn't too picky when it comes to food, however I have a feeling that that stage is right around the corner. Typically for breakfast I'll throw together scrambled eggs with fruit and toast or a waffle. Other days she's in the mood for cereal and milk. She loves 'tune-off' (tuna) sandwiches and can do some serious damage when it comes to blueberries, grapes or clementines. Whenever she asks for a snack, we typically throw some berries in a bowl and she is a happy camper. Luckily, she doesn't HATE vegetables. For dinner she typically eats whatever we're eating and she loves a side of vegetable medley. Don't get me wrong, some days she is running on straight carbs, hummus and cheese but when we are stocked in the fruits and frozen vegetable department she goes pretty hard. :)

Potty Training: On to potty training... we took the approach of letting Parker first show interest so for the past few months she's been sitting, but the train stops there. However, with a little candy bribery (thank goodness for Halloween candy) we've been seeing results! Today we introduced actual underwear so we'll see how that pans out for us. I have a feeling it's going to be a long road but we're definitely not magicians so we're well prepared. 

I could go on and on about this little girl. About how her booming personality cracks us up on a daily basis, about her favorite songs, her favorite activities but we'd be going on a pretty long blog post. This has just been the most fun age and I just can't get over how much she grows each day. The older she gets the harder it is to believe that I'm lucky enough to be called her mama. She amazes us each day and we can't think of a life without her spunk, sweetness and giggles.


  1. Such sweet pictures. I love your new nightly ritual as well... so very sweet. I babysit Alivia, Rachel's two year old, every Sunday while she goes to church. It is such a fun (and energetic) age.

    1. They definitely keep you on your toes, right?! I wouldn't trade it for the world! Xx


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