Summer, Don't Leave Us

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
It's already happening. Maybe it was the way the dark and rainy weather made me feel like I needed to throw on yoga pants and the biggest sweater I own. Or maybe it was the lasagna rolls on our plates (a repeat in our house come September), but I couldn't help but think that it felt like fall. I was thankfully reminded this afternoon that we have a few months left of sweet summer when I stepped out into the 80 degree heat. We still have some summer bucket list items to cross off our lists including letting Parker get down and dirty with a sprinkle overdosed ice cream cone. Not to mention I am completely obsessed with Parker's summer wardrobe so I'm not rushing to pack away her tiny clothes for winter storage quite yet. If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen a few of these gems but here are some of our fav get ups thus far.

A mini military coat? We'll take 10.

I swear this child smiles. I now understand why people say it's so hard to photograph toddlers! xx


  1. OMG. i can't handle it! that first photo! ahhhh i love all her little prints and colors! she is the cutest. period.


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