DIY Growth Chart

Thursday, August 28, 2014
We've been trying to design our home to reflect our personal style over the past few years. After pinning countless home decor inspo and purchasing all of our bigger items like our big cozy white couch that I just had to have (pre-baby ignorance), I realize that it takes a lot of small things to make and create an actual home. Despite the every day events that delayed decorating, I've been trying to get better at tackling to-dos around the house (ie. hanging the empty picture frames that have been sitting in the corner of our living room for almost a year, or cleaning out our much too literal lazy-susan that is stuffed with old candles, junk mail and hair ties). A sense of accomplishment came over me a few weeks back, when I completed and (Matt) hung our cute growth chart.

Growing up, we had a makeshift growth chart in the form of a beam in the house with etches marking where we stood in height terms at various stages throughout my brothers and my life. I knew I wanted to create something like this for Parker, however much less permanent so that in the case that we move, it would be something that we pack up with us and take to our next home.

This brings us to almost one year ago when I decided to make a gigantic ruler growth chart in time for Parker's first birthday. I picked up a wooden board at Lowes, stained and let it dry in the garage (where it stayed for almost 9 months). I finally decided to finish this sucker before Parker's SECOND birthday. The ruler decals were found on Etsy, and was probably the toughest part of the project to execute. The wood is pretty porous so it was extremely difficult to make the sticky side of the decal adhere to the wood. After a couple hours spent going over the decals with a credit card, it it was finished.

The first few days of it being hung, the decals were peeling but after going over it again with the credit card, everything has been staying in place. We'll see how it holds up, and if the peeling continues, I plan on putting a clear coat on top.

We are excited to watch Parker grow through this chart. Next up, photo gallery wall! 

Our Weekend

Sunday, August 24, 2014
Parker was an extremely easygoing baby and as she turned into a toddler, I was hopeful and optimistic that this content behavior would transfer over. The planets must have shifted because this girl has been giving us a run for our money lately. Terrible twos are not only real, they have hit our household and are extremely sneaky and adamant to make public appearances. When Parker first started throwing tantrums, although I know almost every child goes through this stage, I felt like I was the only one experiencing it. After reading a few other blogger's posts that are going through the same thing, I felt better knowing that it truly is just a phase and my defiant girl in the corner of the room shooting me dirty looks doesn't hate me. Needless to say, we were ready to face the TTs head on and embrace the beautiful weekend.

I know that if all else fails, fresh air can work wonders on kid's moods. We had a lake weekend on the agenda and it couldn't have come at a better time. Parker loves being around her cousins and covets the water even more. Her current obsession with the Little Mermaid helps in fueling the fire, and I can't even say I mind. After the kiddos went to bed, we busted out the wildly inappropriate Cards Against Humanity with some drinks and pretty much felt like terrible people at the end of the game. In a good way.

It's so cute to watch Parker interact with her cousins. Albeit the age difference, she loves to tag along with them and the conversations they strike up are nothing short of amazing. I introduced Parker to her first ever flash light, which she thought was a magical beam that made people dance. As soon as the shined the light on someone, she demanded, 'danss, danssss!'. No one put up an argument and it made for an amusing morning.

Add sunshine and ice cream into the equation and you have a happy toddler (and parents) with the terrible twos far at bay. Although I know every weekend can't be as sweet, it's good to know that going balls out when the opportunity arises can make a world of a difference.

Oh, and she definitely stole my milkshake. Happy Monday, friends! Xx

Our Weekend

Monday, August 18, 2014
It's Monday again, which means it's time for our routine weekend recap! The past few days were filled with visits from friends and family, chalk, cheese plates, wine and a hike with my favorites. Friday evening we worked on building up Parker's dog walking skills. Oatmeal isn't the most obedient dog when it comes to walking on a leash, but she was so patient with Parker until she got the hang of it. 

I don't typically take both Parker and Oatmeal on walks together since the pup can be a little tough to manage however I decided to give it a go on Saturday morning and hoped for the best. Well, let's just say it didn't go as planned. Parker wanted nothing to do with sitting in her stroller and insisted on 'walking' Oatmeal, until of course she was over it. Which then left me trying to maneuver a dog, an empty stroller and an independent toddler through the streets. With so many moving parts (going in all different directions) I definitely just needed to keep Parker in her stroller, screaming and all, for the rest of the ride home. Unfortunately, my hands were too full to get any pictures, but I have a feeling the neighbors may have once they saw me trying to push Oatmeal in the stroller. Questionable at best.

Sunday morning, we woke up early to take Parker on a hike. We took her along with us last year but she wasn't old enough to really understand where we were. Having her on the hike with us when she can observe and take it all in was so much fun!

My favorite part was after the hike when Parker got out of her carrier for a quick granola bar. We taught her a few hamstring stretches and she gladly displayed her split (work in progress) for the spectators walking by. 

This week I hope to get together all the details for our bathroom remodel and brainstorm for Parker's 2nd (crazy) birthday party. Hope your week is off to a beautiful start, friends! xx

Toddler Wardrobe Faves

Thursday, August 14, 2014
When finding pieces for Parker's wardrobe, I more often times than not, gravitate towards pieces that are made for little girls but have more of a tomboy flare. Also, finding items that are stylish AND comfortable is key. I find that these are items that I would most likely pick for myself and they look incredibly adorable on her. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing her in cute little summer dresses but there's something to be said for a mini moto leather jacket. Below are some of my favorite pieces and styles that are in Parker's closet.

Dying over these pieces! The leather jacket probably won't fit Parker until winter, however it was too cute not to grab now. Also, the taupe quilted jacket definitely has a women's version that I may or may not need to pick up. Twinning! ;)

These bright colored leggings are such an easy way to add juxtaposition to an every day outfit. I especially am a fan of these leggings from crew cuts because of the color and fit! I went up a size in them so Parker can get a lot of use out of them (normally she's a size 2T, but we got these in 3T). Not to mention, Parker loves doing high kicks to show off her colorful legs. 

Such a simple pool-day look for a toddler. Parker wears these leather sandals on the daily and I've been looking for some cute one pieces for her to wear in place of a bathing suit come cooler temps. We signed up for a parent and tot gymnastics class starting in September so we have another reason to be on the prowl.

Our Weekend

Monday, August 11, 2014

These beauties made our kitchen my favorite room in our house this weekend. 

Our friend Betsy turned the big 4-0 last week so us girls decided to leave the guys and the kiddos at home and celebrate with a night on the town. Our hubbies all threw in for a limo so that we wouldn't need to worry about driving and we could all stay together. Not to mention it proved to come in handy for a few other reasons (ie traveling cheerleader pyramids and a karaoke bar). If you haven't taken advantage of the slow-mo feature on the iPhone video setting, it's hilarious and made for some amazing morning-after amusement.This was the first time that all of us were able to get together without our men, and we laughed way too hard to not do it again.

The next morning looked a lot like this. We hung out in sweats and PJs for a good part of the day, then we had to kick it into high gear to prep for my friend's Beard or Bow themed baby shower! It all came together so beautifully and to see her so happy, made the weeks of planning completely worth it.

Sunday morning, Parker and I played outside for an hour or so, throwing balls to the puppies, spraying the hose and of course, writing with chalk. We met my mother in law at the country club (or as Parker likes to call it 'cumply schlub') for lunch and ended the day pretty low key watching Rio and hanging around the house. 

We don't have much on the agenda this week, but I have learned how quickly that can change. Have a great start to the week, friends!

Buffalo Turkey Burgers

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Pinterest is a god-send when it comes to coming up with quick dinner ideas on the fly. We found this recipe for buffalo turkey burgers a few years back and it's been on rotation ever since. We variate the ingredients a little to make it healthier and clean, but we've found that it definitely doesn't compromise taste. 

I typically up the amount of carrots it calls for and use two cloves of garlic vs. one.

Matt and I tag team this recipe since past experiences have shown that I'm inadequate when it comes to grilling. I pull everything together then the hubs takes over from there.

The recipe calls for a bleu cheese broccoli slaw (which is so, so, SO perfect with this dish) however broccoli slaw isn't something we always have on hand, so I opted for avocado slices with sea salt as a topper instead. There are so many ways to improvise this recipe that you can always adjust it to fit your mood that day!

Our Weekend

Sunday, August 3, 2014
Happy Monday, friends! As much as I try not to favor the weekends and appreciate each day as it comes, it's tough for me to not play favorites. 

Our weekend started off pretty low key with delivery and driveway art after work on Friday. On any given night, it's a safe bet that you can find Parker and I going crazy on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. My obsession outweighs hers at the moment but she is starting to show more interest in helping add finishing touches to everything I draw. A lot of the time, her 'helping' consists of throwing the chalk in water or playing keep away with it while Matt and I chase her. Her personal faves (for me) to draw are 'melllllon' (watermelon) and 'hars' (hearts).

Saturday morning, Matt took Parker out to breakfast (see photo above) while I ran errands. Later that night Matt and I snuck out of the house for a date night. We started off with cocktails and sushi at a new asian fusion restaurant, where I found myself in the same pose Parker was in hours before (with the minor difference that I chose a mojito in lieu of apple juice). Like mama like daughter. 

After stopping at one other spot for a drink, we eventually settled in for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Our night ended at a friends house singing Mickey Avalon and dancing on chairs. If that doesn't scream successful date night, I don't know what does.

Finally we woke up Sunday morning with headaches, sore throats and an extremely cute toddler yelling for us from her crib. We spent the day lazy, watching movies and listening to the rain fall. Somewhere along the way, Parker had the idea to play waitress. Using the back of pictures and crayons, she would mumble and scribble down our orders then look at us and ask 'french fries?' if we left it out. Heaven forbid.

You just keep growing up, Miss Parker. Mama will always be there two inches from your face snapping a million pictures per second making sure she's not missing any part of the process. ;)

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