Our Weekend

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Each winter we spend most of our weekends up at a mountain about an hour away. This will be our third year renting a place with Matt's sister and her family, and honestly it's one of the reasons we look forward to winter each year. We love it because it's like a weekly getaway that's a breeze to get to. Unfortunately, this past weekend was spent packing up everything at the condo and moving them back home. Although packing is always a daunting task, we made sure not to miss out on the fun while we were there.

I love seeing the slopes lit up at night. Parker was looking out the window and said 'Pretty lights! It's like a party!'

It's so cute watching Parker hang with her cousins the older she gets. They are total saints dealing with a somewhat bossy toddler hours on end and Parker couldn't love them more. 

Can't handle how long this little lady's hair is getting! 

On our last day, the ski lodge was hosting a princess breakfast. We had all intentions of arriving on time but as life usually goes, we showed up just in time to get pictures with the princesses and participate in a royal march around the banquet room before the event was over. Parker spotted Elsa across the room in no time, but once she showed her any attention, she buried her head into my shoulder. Eventually after a minute or so, she warmed up and went to Elsa so we could snap a picture. The highlight of her morning was seeing Cinderella. She just recently started watching Cinderella so she was quite the celeb in her eyes. When Parker saw her, she walked up to her and said in her excited squeaky toddler voice, 'I watch you all the way to Greek Peak!'. Her little smile says it all and I was nearly in tears when I saw her eyes light up while looking around at all the princesses around her. I'm not entirely sure how I'll be able to keep it together when we decide to take her and her sister to Disney for the first time.

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