Bump in the Road

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fun fact of the day. Who knows the proper form of ID that airlines require for babies to board a flight? Well, approximately 20 minutes ago our answer would have been 'birth certificate', too. We like to refer to it as the one form of Parker's that we are pretty sure does not exist. 

I should mention that we forget things A LOT around here. I can't begin to tell you how many times I forget my phone in Parker's diaper bag or need to run back into her school to grab my car keys that I left on the table in her room. Naturally, we didn't start looking for the infamous birth certificate until 18-ish hours before we board our flight. That's how we roll in this Last-Minute-Larry household.

After an hour of frantic searching (on Matt's part), and a few monotone operators later, we were elated to hear that our Florida trip didn't need to be cancelled after all, and that since she was still so young she wouldn't need ID. Seriously, such a relief. I am still coming down from the mental storm going on in my head.

We still have not found Parker's birth certificate but we did stumble across a few items that we kept from our time in the hospital after she was first born. I'm not ashamed to say that one of the items we found was in fact her belly button. She's really going to hate us when she gets older.

We're pretty excited over here! I will be sure to update you all on how it goes on our first plane ride with a baby. Thank you again for all the tips and advice! xx

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