Sunday lax-day

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sunday already? The weekends are starting to become nothing if not a blur! We have tons of last minute things that we need to do before our trip coming up in just four short days. I'm seriously in need of some sunshine since we've been forced to stay inside all week because of the non stop downpours.

April showers bring DOODLE FLOWERS!

Our 30 second weekend consisted of lunch with my parents, where we discovered we have a bat baby on our hands. As in a baby that prefers to hang upside down. She loved being carried around the house with her head flipped over as she 'chased' everyone around the house. Terrifying!

She also was quite the hit at my cousins baby shower! She wore the cutest purple plaid shirt dress with gray tights and I am super bumming that I didn't snap a picture of her in it. My April resolution is to take more pictures. Parker loved hanging with all the girls and was non-stop flashing her two toothed smile. We are so excited to meet baby Lucas!

As for today, we have plans of a stroll around the hood, laundry for days and a salmon and quinoa dinner! And apparently a nap for baby and pup. Here's to Sunday lax-day!

1 comment:

  1. love these photos, she is such an angel. sounds like the dinner we had too;))


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